May 11, 2020//Comments Off on Podcast: The misogynistic influence of PORKY’S goes all the way to the Supreme Court.
Podcast: The misogynistic influence of PORKY’S goes all the way to the Supreme Court.

Porky’s was a fat hit, holding at No. 1 7 weeks, which was all of Spring 1982. The teenage hijinks of Fort Lauderdale teens in the ’50s was so raunchy and so wrong, moviegoers couldn’t get enough. Especially boys who, thanks to the advent of HBO and Cinemax, watched Bob Clark’s R-rated film over and over again. Film authorities Tara McNamara, Gen X, and Riley Roberts, Gen Z, look at this film through the modern lens and how recent news reports are truly reflective of the impact the film made on the behavior of young men at the time (to the detriment of women).